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- 2022 -
发表时间:2022.09.12     作者:黑钢.384     来源:国际电子商情     阅读:572


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AVL - Approved Vendor List 认可供应商列表

BOM- Bill of Material 物料清单

MS - Material Specification 物料规格(如材料纯度,主盐浓度等)

TDS - Technical Data Sheet 技术应用信息

MSDS- Material Safety Data Sheet 原料安全信息

MG - Material Grade 材料级别

AR/CP/TG - 分析纯/化学纯/工业级

CIA - Cost Impact and Analysis 成本影响及分析

CO - Change Order 定单更改

D/N - Delivery Note 收货单

LOA - Letter of Agreement 协议书

OPR - Outstanding PO Report 外发定单报告

P/N - Part Number 物料编码

PMC - Production and Material Control 物料生产计划员

MRO - Maintenance Repair & Operation Order 维护修理以及工程定单

PO - Purchase Order 采购定单

PP - Purchase Price 采购价格

PPV- Purchase Price Variance 采购价格差异

PR - Purchase Requisition 采购申请单

QA - Quality Assurance 质量保证

RFQ - Request for quotation 报价申请单

RTS - Return to Supplier 退货给供应商

TSE - Technical Service Engineer 技术服务工程师

SDC - Supplier Delivery Commitment 供应商交期承诺

SOC - Supplier Order Confirmation 供应商定单确认

SOS - Supplier Ordering Strategy 供应商定单策略

SQA - Supplier Quality Assurance 供应商质量控制

SSP - Supplier Selection Process 供应商选择程序

SSSQ- Supplier System Survey and Qualification 供应商系统调查与认证

TCO - Total Cost of Ownership 总所有权成本

VMI - Vendor Management Inventory 供应商管理库存

T&C - Terms & Conditions 采购交易达成条款

PPA - Premium Purchasing Authorization 计划额外采购批准

ABC Classification ABC分类法

Activity-Based Costing 业务量成本法/作业成本法

ACRS (Accelerated cost recovery system) 快速成本回收制度

Action Message 行为/措施信息

AIS (Accounting information system) 会计信息系统

Allocation 已分配量

Anticipated Delay Report 拖期预报

A/P (Accounts Payable) 应付帐款

APICS (American Production & Inventory Control Society) 美国生产及库存控制协会

AQL (Acceptable quality Level) 可接受质量水平

A/R (Accounts Receivable) 应收帐款

Automatic Rescheduling 自动重排产

Available To Promise (APT) 可签约量

Backflush 倒冲法

Backlog 未完成订单/未结订单

Back Scheduling 倒序排产


BE analysis (Break-even analysis) 盈亏临界点分析,保本分析

Bill of Material (BOM) 物料清单

Business Plan 经营规划

B/V (Book value) 帐面价值

Capacity Requirements Planning (CRP) 能力需求计划

CBA (Cost-benefit analysis) 成本效益分析

Closed Loop MRP 闭环物料需求计划

CPM (Critical path method) 关键路线法

CPP accounting (Constant purchasing power accounting) 不变购买力会计

Cumulative Lead Time 累计提前期


T/T(telegraphic transfer)电汇

D/P(document against payment)付款交单

D/A (document against acceptance)承兑交单

C.O (certificate of origin)一般原产地证

Cycle Counting 周期盘点

Demand 需求

Demand Management 需求管理

Demonstrated Capacity 实际能力

Dependent Demand 非独立需求

DFL (Degree of financial leverage) 财务杠杆系数

Direct-deduct Inventory Transaction Processing 直接增减库存法

Dispatch List 派工单

DOL (Degree of operating leverage) 经营杠杆系数

ELS (Economic lot size) 经济批量

EOQ (Economic order quantity) 经济订货批量

&nbs;FIFO (Fist-in,Fist-out) 先进先出法

Firm Planned Order 确认计划订单

FISH/LIFO (Fist-in,Still-here) 后进先出法

Fixed Order Quantity 固定订货批量法

Flow Shop 流水车间

Focus Forecasting 集中预测

Full Pegging 完全跟踪

Generally Accepted Manufacturing Practices 公认生产管理原则

Independent Demand 独立需求

Inpu/Output Control 投入/产出控制

Interplant Demand 厂际需求

Inventory Turnover 库存周转次数

Item 物料项目

Item Record 项目记录

Job Shop 加工车间

Just-in-time (JIT) 准时制生产

Lead Time 提前期 前置期,指订单从收到具体明细到货到货仓收到落货纸这一段时间,可以用评估工厂的综合实力。

Level 层

Load 负荷

Lot for Lot 按需订货法

LP (Linear programming) 线性规划

Machine Loading 机器加载

Make-to-order Product (MTO) 面向订单生产的产品

Make-to-stock Product (MTS) 面向库存生产产品

Manufacturing Resource Planning (MRP II) 制造资源计划

Master Production Schedule (MPS) 主生产计划

Material Requirements Planning (MRP) 物料需求计划

MBO (Management by objective) 目标管理

Net Change MRP 净改变式物料需求计划

Net Requirements 净需求

Order 订单相关

Oliver Wight MRP-II理论的创始人

On-hand Balance 现在库存量

Open Order 未结订单/开放订单

Order Entry 订单输入

Order Promising 订货承诺

Pegging 反查

Picking 领料/提货

Picking List 领料单

Planned Order 计划订单

Post-deduct Inventory Transaction Processing (Backflush) 后减库存处理法/倒冲法

Pre-deduct Inventory Transaction Processing 前减库存处理法

Production Planning 生产规划编制

Projected Available Balance 预计可用库存

Gueue 队列

Gueue Time 排队时间

Regeneration MRP 重生成式物料需求计划

Rescheduling Assumption 重排假设

Resource Requirement Planning 资源需求计划

Rough-cut Capacity Planning 粗能力计划

Routing 工艺路线

Safety Stock 安全库存

Safety Time 保险期

Scheduled Receipt 预计入库量

Scrap Factor 残料率/废品系数

Service Parts 维修件

Shop Floor Control 车间作业管理

Shrinkage Factor 损耗系数

Time Bucket 时间段

Tie Fence 时界

VE (value engineering) 价值工程

Vendor Scheduling 采购计划法

Work Center 工作中心

Work in Process (WIP) 在制品

Inventory 存货管理

ZBB (Zero based Budgeting) 零基预算

Zero Inventories 零库存

Accounting Clerk --记帐员

Accounting Supervisor--会计主管

Administration Manager--行政经理

Supervisor --监管员

Bond Analyst --证券分析员

Fund Manager--财务经理

Assistant Manager --副经理


to pay付款,支付,偿还


deferred payment延期付款

progressive payment分期付款

payment on terms定期付款

payment agreement支付协定

pay order支付凭证

payment order付款通知

payment by banker银行支付

payment by remittance汇拨支付

payment in part部分付款

payment in full全部付讫

clean payment单纯支付

simple payment单纯支付

payment by installment分期付款

payment respite延期付款

payment at maturity到期付款

payment in advance预付(货款)

Cash With Order (C.W.O)随订单付现


Cash On Delivery (C.O.D)交货付现

Note 票据



Promisory Note本票


clean bill光票

documentary bill跟单汇票

Sight Bill即期汇票

Time Bill远期汇票

Usance Bill远期汇票

Commercial Bill商业汇票

Banker's Bill银行汇票

Transferable L/C 可转让信用证

Untransferable L/C 不可转让信用证

Revolving L/C 循环信用证

Reciprocal L/C 对开信用证

Back to Back L/C 背对背信用证

Countervailing credit (俗称)子证

Overriding credit 母证

Banker's Acceptance L/C 银行承兑信用证

Trade Acceptance L/C 商业承兑信用证

Red Clause L/C 红条款信用证

Anticipatory L/C 预支信用证

Credit payable by a trader 商业付款信用证

Credit payable by a bank 银行付款信用证

usance credit payment at sight 假远期信用证

Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits 跟单信用证统一惯例

I.C.C. Publication No.400 第400号出版物

Credit with T/T Reimbursement Clause 带有电报索汇条款的信用证

method of reimbursement 索汇方法

without recourse 不受追索

Opening Bank' Name & Signature 开证行名称及签字

Participants 参与方

beneficiary 受益人

guarantor 保证人

Exporter's Bank 出口方银行

Importer's Bank 进口方银行

Seller's Bank 卖方银行

Buyer's Bank 买方银行

Paying Bank 付款行,汇入行

Remitting Bank 汇出行

Opening Bank 开证行

Issuing Bank 开证行

Advising Bank 通知行

Notifying Bank 通知行

Negotiating Bank 议付行

Drawee Bank 付款行

Confirming Bank 保兑行

Presenting Bank 提示行

Transmitting Bank 转递行

Accepting Bank 承兑行

Additional Words and Phrases pay bearer 付给某人

bearer 来人

payer 付款人

consignor 委托



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